2014 Egg Hunt Wrap-up
The 3rd annual McGolrick Egg Hunt was a huge success! The day involved almost 1,000 eggs, the Easter Bunny, musical performances, arts & crafts, tumbling activities, and face painting for the kids. In addition, this event raised $1000 for MS 126 science students to attend NASA space camp in Istanbul, Turkey this summer! All of this great fun wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the many event partners Town Square had for this event, and so we’d like to take this opportunity to thank each of them:
Thank you to our volunteers from:
Original Blessing (https://www.facebook.com/OriginalBlessingUU)
The Lutheran Church of the Messiah (https://www.facebook.com/messiahbrooklyn) Resurrection Williamsburg (http://www.resurrectionwilliamsburg.org/)
MS 126 Leo’s Club (http://schools.nyc.gov/schoolportals/14/k126/default.htm)
The McGolrick Park Neighborhood Alliance (https://www.facebook.com/mcgolrickalliance)
and Karolina Stypulkowski.
Thank you also to our event partners who made the day extra special with their many talents and services:
Gym Park http://www.thegympark.com/GymPark_Gymnastics/The_Gym_Park,_Gymnastics,_Play_Center.html
Sage Music http://www.sagemusic.co/
Williamsburg School of Music http://williamsburgschoolofmusic.net/
and Trendy Art Face Painters http://trendyfaceart.com/
For more photos of the event, visit (and like!) our Facebook Page.